NTEU Chapter 305’s Position on the “All Hands Meeting”

NTEU Chapter 305’s Position on the “All Hands Meeting” held at the NRC on June 24, 2010 by Kevin Boland, Director of the NRC and NTEU Chapter 305.
This meeting was held to discuss the proposed new reorganization of the NRC with employees.  NTEU Chapter 305 did agree to have Mr. Boland discuss the proposal and open the floor to questions by employees.  We truly apologize for his demeaning statements and insults during this meeting and strongly disagree with all of them.  No employee should feel pressured to look for a new job based on any of his statements or his “plan”.  We do not agree with his demeaning attitude and all employees should feel that they can speak with us either one on one or in any of our meetings/events without ever being treated the way Mr. Boland treated all of us during that meeting.

We have a pizza party/meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 30th from 12:00 noon until 12:45 p.m. in the large Director’s Conference Room on the 6th floor for all members.  Please advise us no later than Wednesday, June 30th at 10:00 a.m.

We hope to see you there so we can openly listen to your questions, concerns and comments; and as always, insult free with dignity and respect!

NTEU Chapter 305 President